If you’re a new blogger I’m pretty sure that you have heard about Pinterest a lot. And you know why? Because it really works!

To learn more about why Pinterest is every blogger’s heaven you can read this.

But let’s be honest, to reach good results in Pinterest you need to have a strategy in action.

You would need to pin lots of content, multiple times during the day and at the perfect time. Should you need help with your Pinterest strategy you can read this.

So, with all this in mind, I started using Pinterest and it was a nightmare! I was spending all my time on Pinterest trying to pin the right things at the right time.

For fear of looking spammy, I used to write down every single pin I was pinning to avoid re-pinning the same content multiple times.

I then discovered Pinterest schedulers and I fell in love with Tailwind.

Once I started using Tailwind, my Pinterest views skyrocketed and Tailwind made my life so much easier.

Tailwind’s features that helped me the most are:

Scheduling pins

With this feature, you can be on Pinterest at any time without really be there. Indeed, Tailwind lets you add all the pins that you would like to pin and then it pins them for you at different times.

Smart schedule

Tailwind monitors the activity of your followers on Pinterest and calculates the best time to pin.

New content

With Tailwind tribes and Tailwind pins suggestion you will always have quality content to pin.

Easy pinning

Pinning trough Tailwind is easy and fast. You can even schedule multiple pins with one click.


Tailwind analytics are easy to use and let you assess your results at any moment.

If you want to grow your Pinterest views I definitely suggest using a scheduler.

If you want to know more about Tailwind’s features and understand if it is the best scheduler for you, you can read this article

SOURCEPhoto: Talkroute
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Marina is the Editor at www.tinylovebug.com. She is Italian but she has moved to Australia for love. She studied Law and currently works as a Legal Supervisor. Her articles aim to give advice on life and love life to empower women and help them achieve their full potential. She also writes about strategic advice and actionable tips for new bloggers. Marina can be found at facebook.com/groups/bloggingfornewbloggers/.