CIA Document Confirms Our Reality is a Hologram. The Law of Attraction is Real...
The simulation hypothesis proposes that our reality, our entire known universe, is an artificial computer-generated simulation. As we further our understanding of quantum mechanics...
Scientific Studies Confirm: Rising CO2 Levels ARE NOT Responsible For Climate Change (360+)
As it stands now, the majority of the world believes rising CO2 levels are trapping heat below the atmosphere, creating a global warming, climate change...
Yet Another Physics Study Proving That Space is Not Empty (360+)
It is important to note Paramahamsa Tewari submitted this study on March 13, 2017. He died fourteen days later. There is no explanation online...
Secrets of Water: Water Capable of More Than You Realize (360+)
All life as we know it is entirely dependent upon water to survive. The surface of Earth is 70% water, so, too are humans,...
Floating Islands with their own Governments coming to an Ocean Near You
If the current political environment is stressing you out or if you’re just looking for a change, a movement of philanthropists, academics and investors...
Dormant DNA Now Seen Active Shortly After a Solar Burst (360+)
At about 3:50 a.m. EDT (2350 on April 19 GMT) reported that an "interplanetary shock wave" hit Earth's magnetic field, quadrupling the intensity of...
Breakthrough Film Reveals HPV Vaccine is a Fraud (360+)
A breakthrough film released in September of 2017 "Sacrificial Virgins", provides research and theories from various experts who have uncovered difficult to refute results.
The team...
Questioning The Safety Of Herbal Products
The latest fad these days is to buy herbal products, be it in the form of medicines, supplements or cosmetics. The prime reason for...
Depression: The Modern-Day Plague
Imagine a World embattled with the outbreak of a plague that affects the body, mood and mind – the plague that drains your energy...
The Light-Powered Robo-Stingray: A Glimpse of the Fusion of Organic and Inorganic
Made up of a gold skeleton, coated with living rat heart muscle cells and wrapped in silicone, the penny-sized robotic stingray was created by...