We all know those friends who say they can’t even boil water without burning it. Well, I just don’t believe them. Cooking can be challenging, but it can also be simple. The secret is, drumroll please, follow the instructions. That’s it. Simply follow the instructions that are given to you and you’ll wind up with a meal. Don’t try to add your own ingredients, don’t forget to set a timer, simply follow each step and you won’t go wrong. However, if cooking still seems frightening to you then I have one more trick up my sleeve to share.

The latest trend on social media recently has been meal subscription boxes. Rather than going out to eat, celebrities and influencers are having meals delivered to their door to cook at home. I did a little research and discovered one of the favorite meal subscription plans is HelloFresh. HelloFresh delivers three meals a week, bi-weekly or monthly to your door. The box comes with everything you need including step by step instructions on how to prepare a delicious and healthy meal. HelloFresh even includes the exact amount of ingredients to help make your life easier.

After trying out HelloFresh I discovered even someone like my boyfriend, who has never cooked a day in his life, can make an entire meal from scratch. Their instructions are so easy to follow and even include pictures for each step. The box is delivered to your door on a day of your choosing and fully insulated. This plan is perfect for the busybodies that we all are these days.

There is a full review of my first week trying HelloFresh here and if you’re on the fence about trying it out then take the leap. There’s nothing to lose because HelloFresh makes it so easy to cancel if it’s not something for you. Just click here and choose your preference.

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Mikayla is a senior at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill with a passion for traveling, trying new things, and finding products she loves. She has a rescue dog named Lucky who she loves as much as she loves cheese, which is a lot. You can check out her blog at https://wandertobeauty.com/.