Did Thanksgiving weekend just help push the Cryptocurrency market cap 13% higher?

Since Friday I have seen a handful of polls on Facebook and Twitter asking if cryptocurrencies were discussed over Thanksgiving celebrations. Why is this...

What if the big institutions knew Bitcoin was over-valued? (360+)

This is the follow-up article to my previous, poorly titled article, “The simple fact for why Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are about to experience...

What will it take for mainstream adoption of Cryptocurrencies?

Remember when Facebook was a new thing? I remember being a freshman in college and all my friends wanted me to join so they...
Facebook To Soon Adopt Its Own Cryptocurrency

Facebook To Soon Adopt Its Own Cryptocurrency

Mark Zuckerberg's yearly mission statement for Facebook's path in 2018 made it very clear cryptocurrencies in some capacity are going to be introduced. Zuckerberg paints...

Step aside blockchain, hashgraph is taking over

Swirlds is a software platform that has developed the hashgraph consensus algorithm: an entirely new distributed ledger technology that is much more cost-effective (no...

Qtum (QTUM): A smart-contract platform under significant fire

Qtum is a Singaporean project, started and backed by a large team of crypto professionals. One of them, Patrick Dai, however, brings significant controversy...

Verge (XVG): Blazing fast transactions, true anonymity, AND soon, smart contracts

Privacy has always been a key selling point for digital currency investors. However, as regulations have increased, so has the ease with which authorities...

Status (SNT): The Gateway to Mass Adoption of Blockchain Tech

Within the past year, a growing number of decentralized applications (DApps) have begun operating on the Ethereum mainnet. Each DApp consists of its own...

Monaco (MCO): The crypto credit card that will change our lives

Among about a dozen of other card-issuer candidates, the premier of which is TenX, there is one with a recently hot name. Monaco. Their business model doesn't...
the spirits collection from haagen-dazs ice cream

New Boozy Ice Creams Hit American Shelves

Ice cream makers Häagen-Dazs have been creating new taste experiences for dessert lovers since 1960, when the company was founded by Reuben Mattus. Sometimes...