Unless you’re blogging as a hobby to have a creative outlet to express your thoughts, or you’re envisioning your blog as a journal to chronicle your personal journey for yourself, your family and friends, you’re probably aspiring at having your blog read by as many people around the world as possible and possibly thinking of way to monetize your blog.

If that’s the case, I got some good news and some bad news for you.

Let’s start with the good news:

You can indeed make money with your blog! There are so many bloggers out there earning a very nice income from their blogs, and some even making over $100K a month blogging!

But … there is a but!

I hate to break this to you but if you didn’t know already, in order to take your blog to the next level, you need the right tools.

Of course, content is king and if your blog offers valuable, in-depth and insightful advice, half the work is done.

But like in many other industries, blogging included, the difference between a professional and an amateur is often made by the kind of tools and resources they use.

From picking the right blogging platform to joining lucrative affiliate programs through choosing the most reliable web host. From adding the best plugins to signing up for a great email marketing provider. These are all decisions that will affect the chances and likelihood of your blog becoming a profitable business.

The old saying “to make money you need to invest money” is there for a reason. And I do believe that for your blog to thrive you need to be willing to put lots of work and effort into it and bear some initial financial investment.

But, of course, when you’re only starting out, money can be a concern.

So, if you’re on a tight budget, don’t despair! You can have a look at the best tools to make your blog profitable which are either free tools or the most affordable options on the market.

They will surely give your blog a boost and bring you a step forward in your path to success.

SOURCEPhoto: toplevelaffiliate.com
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Lucrezia is the Founder of www.tinylovebug.com. Originally from Italy, she now lives in Melbourne - Australia. She has worked as a Lawyer, University Lecturer (PhD), and Manager in different countries. Through her writing, Lucrezia helps women become their best selves. She offers advice on life, relationships, employment and financial matters. In addition, she is also passionate about helping new bloggers grow their blogs and navigate their way through the blogosphere. You can join her at facebook.com/groups/bloggingfornewbloggers/.