It would be a mistake to underestimate how valuable the advice from new bloggers can be to your new blog and its path to success.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking. Why would you want tips from a fairly new blogger when you can have easy access to the advice of experienced and successful bloggers?

But one doesn’t exclude the other, and tips and advice from new bloggers who are knowledgeable and have tested some strategies with great results, definitely offer an added value and play an important role in making your blog thrive.

Why? Here is the answer.

1. Advice from new bloggers is easy to understand

New bloggers give advice in plain language in a way that makes sense to a total beginner.

2. It’s targeted to your level and needs

New bloggers can understandably only target other new bloggers. But that’s good news for you! All information is targeted to your needs and level!

3. You can view their advice in action

Most new bloggers have created their website from scratch without technical knowledge or professional help. You can easily see on their blogs the things that work and have worked.

4. Success stories of new bloggers are encouraging

Income reports of famous bloggers who make over $50K per month are inspirational. But when you start comparing their reports with your monthly income, you may lose self-confidence. Income reports of new bloggers who have who have gone from $0 to a few thousand dollars are encouraging.

5. You can relate to them

New bloggers belong to your same league and they have access to your same limited channels. Their results are not inflated and if their strategy has worked for them, you can be sure it will work for you too.

6. They don’t give unrealistic advice

Since people usually speak from experience, a new blogger may recommend a strategy that can be easily and realistically implemented.

7. Their advice is usually free

New bloggers don’t usually charge for their tips!

So, follow their strategies. They’re likely to be winning strategies for you too!

You can start with some actionable tips for new bloggers here.

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Lucrezia is the Founder of Originally from Italy, she now lives in Melbourne - Australia. She has worked as a Lawyer, University Lecturer (PhD), and Manager in different countries. Through her writing, Lucrezia helps women become their best selves. She offers advice on life, relationships, employment and financial matters. In addition, she is also passionate about helping new bloggers grow their blogs and navigate their way through the blogosphere. You can join her at