Can You Really Eat Your Way To Happiness? (360+)

Serotonin - The Happiness Hormone Research proves that when your body has low levels of serotonin, there is a negative impact on your state of...

Do You Know About The Monk Diet? (360+)

Trending in nutrition and health is the idea of eating only two meals per day. Why? Because that’s what Greek Orthodox monks do. The...

What Is The Paleo Diet? (360+)

Paleo Diet Definition The Paleo Diet, created in 1974 by gastroenterologist Walter L Voegtlin, prescribes a diet similar to that of your ancestors from the...

Lose Weight, Detox & Beat Cellulite (360+)

It’s not just a matter of weight Cellulite affects 90% of women and their weight has very little to do with it since cellulite is...

Are You Sensitive To Gluten? (360+)

Does your stomach hurt and you can’t figure out why? Do you have diarrhea and feel exhausted? You may be suffering from celiac disease....

“America First” Apparently Doesn’t Include Election Security

As evident by the sudden deluge of campaign fliers in my mailbox, the 2018 midterms are just around the corner. As with his predecessors,...

Kabul’s nightmare: 95 dead, 163 injured after second attack in 7 days

These days haven’t been precisely the best for Afghanistan’s capital Kabul, as the city has suffered two of the most terrible attacks in recent...

The Old Man and The Sea – Ernest Hemingway

The Old Man and The Sea, published in 1952 and often considered Hemingway’s greatest publication, was met with critical acclaim which led to a...

How To Eat Sweets Without Getting Fat (360+)

Eat Sweets Once Per Week If you are trying to lose weight, then aim for once every two weeks or less. Increased sugar intake means...
Brain (Re)Generation: Begin to Hack Your Mind

Brain (Re)Generation: How To Truly Hack the Mind (360+)

The general consensus of the medical/scientific community for most of the 20th century has believed that development of the brain only occurs during childhood....