At the heart of the Earth is a solid inner core, two thirds of the size of the moon, made mainly of iron. At 5,700°C, this iron is as hot as the sun’s surface, but the crushing pressure caused by gravity prevents it from becoming liquid. The Earth’s magnetic field is generated within the liquid core of our planet, by the slow churning of molten ironThe classical theory of what creates Earth’s magnetic shield is that a mostly iron solid core, roughly two-thirds the size of our moon, with temperatures equivalent to the surface of our sun, surrounded by layers of varying liquid metals, pressures, temperatures, and compositions, swirling around the iron core generate electrical currents that ultimately result in Earth’s magnetic shield. This was determined by measuring shockwaves.

The immediate problem with the classical nucleation theory is that Earth’s core temperature has not been cooling fast enough in order for this to work.

“… the temperature of the core should have dropped 3,000 ºC. But it didn’t, Andrault and colleagues claim – instead, it dropped only 300 ºC.”

To account for this, they suggest the tidal forces of the Moon as a necessary ingredient in sustaining the Earth’s magnetic field and maintaining the temperatures we believe exist today. If true, that would account for how temperatures have stayed as high as they have for billions of years, but how did the core become solid?

In order for Earth’s core to be solid, a supercooling would have had to have occurred. Scientists from Case Western Reserve University came to the conclusion that spontaneous solidification of the core is scientifically impossible. In order for our core to be solid, it would have to have been supercooled 1000 K.

“Before reliable experiments on homogeneous nucleation in liquid metals and alloys had been conducted, it had been assumed that the interfacial energy between solid and liquid metallic phases was small, based on their similarity in density and other properties. It was therefore surprising when early experiments found that liquid metals had to be supercooled about 20% below their melting temperature before nucleation began.”

There are also issues with the magnetic field itself. Geophysicist David Stevenson at the California Institute of Technology admitted the problems that the earth’s magnetic field poses for long-age dogma. In a nutshell, it is decaying too rapidly, and in order for the classical theory to work, Earth would have to be only 10,000 years old.

“Right at this moment, there is a problem with our understanding of Earth’s core and it’s something that’s emerged only over the last year or two. The problem is a serious one. We do not understand how the Earth’s magnetic field has lasted for billions of years.”

Stevenson then proposed that our core actually contains a high amount of magnesium, which was later tested by James Badro.

“James Badro, a geophysicist at the Institut de Physique du Globe in Paris, has led high-pressure, high-temperature studies that involve adding magnesium into a mix of chemicals to simulate the early Earth. At the meeting, he reported that magnesium oxide crystallizes out — and in doing so produces a large amount of gravitational energy, more than enough to generate a strong magnetic field very early in the planet’s history.”

The truth is these are all still just theories. We do not actually know what the composition of our planet’s core is or how the magnetic field exists.

There is even intelligent evidence to suggest the Earth is hollow and has no core, from NASA themselves:

One thing we do know for sure is that the magnetic field is deteriorating and no one knows why.

Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid: First multipole resonances and energy concentration

Scientists at Itmo University in Russia and Germany’s Laser Zentrum Hannover just released a study claiming that the Egyptian Pyramids of Giza can focus electromagnetic energy through its hidden chambers from outside light and convert it into a higher energy. They say this breakthrough can lead to more efficient sensor and solar cell designs within nanoparticles.

A multipole analysis shows the pyramid concentrates electromagnetic energy in its hidden chambers. The distributions of electric (a)–(e) and magnetic (f)–(j) field magnitude in the Pyramid and its supporting substrate is shown above

A multipole analysis shows the pyramid concentrates electromagnetic energy in its hidden chambers. The distributions of electric (a)–(e) and magnetic (f)–(j) field magnitude in the Pyramid and its supporting substrate is shown above

A multipole analysis shows the pyramid concentrates electromagnetic energy in its hidden chambers. Distributions of electric (top row) and magnetic (bottom row) field magnitudes in the free space are shown

A multipole analysis shows the pyramid concentrates electromagnetic energy in its hidden chambers. Distributions of electric (top row) and magnetic (bottom row) field magnitudes in the free space are shown

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It is interesting to note that the great Pyramids of Giza are located at the maximum geographical center of Earth. In fact, all of the Pyramids on this planet line up along a very specific axis point.

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Is it just an eerie coincidence that the speed of Light equals the coordinates of the Great Pyramid of Giza? The speed of light in a vacuum is 299, 792, 458 meters per second, and the geographic coordinate for the Great Pyramid of Giza is 29.9792458°N.

One of the smartest men in our known history, Nikola Tesla, believed Egypt’s Pyramids are a series of resonant transformers harmonically balanced to the electrical condition of the Earth. He applied the Pyramid’s principles to his Wardenclyffe Tower and was able to generate wireless free energy before having his funding removed by JP Morgan.

Pyramids of Egypt Are Giant Power Plants That Once Generated Electricity

There are numerous findings that indicate ancient Egyptians might have had access to advanced technologies and electricity, thousands of years ago. Two of the most prominent pieces of evidence is a wall at the Dendera Temple and the enigmatic Baghdad Batteries.

Then there is the structure and composition of the pyramids. To borrow from Alex Imreh’s article:

  1. The outer casing of the Great Pyramid was covered with white tufa limestone, so tightly built that not even a razor blade could fit between the blocks. The white tufa limestone does not contain magnesium and has high insulating properties. This insulation property prevented the electricity inside the pyramid from being released without control.
  2. The stone blocks used inside the pyramid were made of another form of limestone containing crystal which is an extremely high electrical conductor and a small amount of metal, which allow for maximum power transmission. The shafts inside the pyramid were lined with granite. Granite, as a conductor, is a slightly radioactive substance and permits the ionization of the air inside these shafts. When we look at an insulated electric cable, we see that conductive and insulation materials are used in the same way as in the pyramids.
  3. The conductive and insulating properties of the pyramid are an example of flawless engineering. However, a source of energy is needed for electricity generation.

The Giza Plateau where the pyramids stand is full of underground water channels. The pyramids rise above limestone layers, the spaces between them being full of water. These special layers of rock that transmit electricity upward as they carry underground water to the surface are known as AQUIFERS. The high volume flow of the River Nile that passes through these aquifers produces an electric current. This is known as physio-electricity.

The pyramid’s underground chambers are granite conductors built within the rock charged with physio-electricity. This electric current is conducted directly to the upper part of the pyramid’s granite covered subterranean chambers. Granite is a very good conductor of electricity.

The electromagnetic field that forms at the bottom of the pyramid is transmitted in concentrated form to the upper layers of the pyramid. On the top of the pyramid, there was a gold capstone gold being an excellent conductor of electricity. This section is no longer there in our day. This means the top of the pyramid has lost its structure of flawless geometry. This gold capstone facilitated a conductive path for the transfer of negative ions to the ionosphere. This way a current was generated.

To Summarize:

  • Various studies, including work done by Nikola Tesla who replicated the properties of our ancient pyramids and built a wireless energy conductor, indicate that they were once energy generators. Their structure and composition, now strengthened with this recently released study help to conclude this.
  • As shown above, pyramid sites resemble a computer motherboard.
  • The pyramids of Giza are located at the geographical center of Earth. All other pyramid sites follow a very specific axis point across the planet. This is just the tip of the iceberg in their symmetrical anomalies.
  • We don’t know for certain what created our magnetic field, or why it is decaying.

Perhaps the answer is simple. Could the pyramids have created Earth’s magnetic field? Is this why they are aligned with the stars and are positioned perfectly across the planet? Since they are currently not functioning, could this be the reason for the unexplained decay?

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Justin is someone who is compassionate about learning anything and everything, including ancient mythologies and history, quantum technology, blockchain, A.I., nutrition, and absolutely everything to do with outer space. "In the age of information, ignorance is a choice." Having spent most of his adult life in the financial sector, he has only recently found his calling as a writer. Deciphering truth and spreading awareness is exactly what he plans to do.