Numerous tech companies across the planet experienced outages throughout most of Wednesday.
Google, Apple, Amazon, YouTube were all affected, but not nearly as bad as Facebook and its slew of subsidiary companies like Instagram and Whatsapp. Though only thousands out of the 1.8 billion users could not log in, those who could found themselves very limited in what they were able to do.
This was Facebook’s response to the situation:
Related Article from Forbes: Was The Facebook Outage A Cyber-Attack?
This was Facebook’s reason for the outage tweeted the next day:
As part of the aftermath, Mark Zuckerberg posted to employees that both Chris Cox, Chief Product Officer, and Chris Daniels, CEO of WhatsApp, had decided to leave the company – no solid reasons given as to why.
So that’s the mainstream story. It’s a wrap, just a server configuration change, we can all go back to using Facebook again.
Coincidentally, however, on the same day as the outage, the New York Times publishes an explosive piece, exposing how Facebook is under investigation for secretly selling our data to more than 150 companies.
“Federal prosecutors are conducting a criminal investigation into data deals Facebook struck with some of the world’s largest technology companies, intensifying scrutiny of the social media giant’s business practices as it seeks to rebound from a year of scandal and setbacks.”
“The companies were among more than 150, including Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Sony, that had cut sharing deals with the world’s dominant social media platform. The agreements, previously reported in The New York Times, let the companies see users’ friends, contact information and other data, sometimes without consent.”
Published by Buzzfeed also on March 13:
The WhatsApp Cofounder Who Sold To Facebook For $19 Billion Tells Students To Delete Facebook
It was just reported in December that Facebook was allowing companies to read and delete your private messages. Now it turns out, a huge chunk of the tech world has access to all of your data.
Now, while this is definitely news to be concerned about, this merely scratches the surface of what Facebook is really all about.
Study: Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks
Let’s keep going, shall we?
Though I believe Q to be a psyop, this entity does provide useful and credible intel, if you can see through their agenda.
On March 10, Q posted: (C_A = CIA)
What happens when the C_A targets [spy + tech insertion] of GOOG, FB [LifeLog], Twitter, etc etc?
What happens when people wake up to the fact that FB is a cover for LifeLog [DARPA]?
What happens when people discover all RT data [inputs + listening/camera/GPS meta] is being harvested and made accessible to Langley?
Charter of the NSA? DOMESTIC + FOREIGN?
March 13, Q made 2 posts:
Another loyal Q follower, creator of the series: Q – Plan To Save The World tweeted this:
DARPA’s Lifelog Project is Facebook
Feb. 4, 2004: Wired reports
The day that this article was published, Facebook was created.
To once again quote that wired article:
In 1994, the same year the Highlands Forum (CIA venture capital investment firm) was founded under the stewardship of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the ONA, and DARPA — two young Ph.D. students at Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, made their breakthrough on the first automated web crawling and page ranking application. That application remains the core component of what eventually became Google’s search service. Brin and Page had performed their work with funding from the Digital Library Initiative (DLI), a multi-agency program of the National Science Foundation (NSF), NASA and DARPA.
It is no coincidence that Regina Dugan, head of DARPA from 2009 – 2012, started with Google’s Advanced Technologies and Projects (ATAP) group from 2012 – 2016, then moved over to Facebook to become the head of Building 8. According to the Times, this is “… a new research group developing hardware projects that advance the company’s efforts in virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence and global connectivity.“
While you can speculate that this still does not connect DARPA to Facebook, if you begin to dig into the other tech companies, a pattern emerges. It was after all tech companies that helped to fund Facebook.
You can either conclude that this was just a server configuration change (extremely broad term), or you can begin to see that the secret intelligence agencies of the world are slowly tightening the noose.
There was a data dump yesterday. They were either strengthening their positions or cutting ties. The purge is in full swing.
Whatever happened yesterday is in preparation for the implementation of 5G. This will be the nail in the coffin if we let it happen. Once wifi blankets the planet in inescapable radiation, the SMART system will go live. Everything we see moving forward, in some way, is preparing for this new system.
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