Everyone has experienced the agony of a slow iPhone. All of a sudden, after updating your phones software, the battery is draining faster than ever and the apps barely work. Well, it looks like Apple is being investigated for this problem that’s been plaguing users for all too long.

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Usually, around the release of a new phone (generally sometime in the early fall), Apple sends out updates to their iOS software. If you don’t have the latest edition of their popular phone, your phone starts to suffer at the hands of Apple’s control. In recent news, the Department of Justice has now asked that the tech king release information that could shed some light on the slowdown issue around the timing of a new update. The SEC and Justice Department are now saying that Apple could be in violation of various security laws. On top of these investigations, the public prosecutor’s office in Paris also looked into the problem not long ago.

In the past month, Apple has admitted to slowing down previous versions of their phones with recent software updates. The phones affected according to Apple, include the iPhone 6, 6S, SE, and the 7. That list includes some of the newest iterations of their phone not counting this falls release of the iPhone 8 and X.

While this shouldn’t have too big of a negative effect on the company, people have long speculated that Apple does this to their phones and sales are still big year after year, it’s not great press for them. In the past year Apple’s (AAPL) stock value has grown consistently and with the announcement of the HomePod, their own version of Google and Amazon’s popular home assistants, Apple should see another uptick in their numbers. In the meantime, it will be fascinating to see what is made of the investigations as they get underway.