You’ve seen the pictures, heard the stories, and decided to travel. Adventures calling and you’re answering! Just remember in between all the great times you see and hear about are some low moments as well. Appreciate them because without the bad times, there can be no good times either. It’s the Law of Duality my friends.
Good Times.
I was in Saigon, Vietnam nine months into backpacking Southeast Asia with an itinerary that didn’t exist. I had bought a Honda Win motorcycle – the official bike of all backpackers daring enough to ride 2000+ kilometers on a bike that has spent as much time in a mechanic shop as on the road.
For six weeks I traced jagged coastline and weaved my way through rolling mountains while marveling at the rich history, picturesque scenery, delicious foods, and incredible nightlife, all while sharing it with special people littered throughout. It’s a trip as demanding as it is rewarding, but there is truly no other way to experience a place like Vietnam than on a bike.
Bad Times.
1500 kilometers later and well off the beaten path on the western Ho Chi Minh road, my chain bounced off the sprocket and got stuck in the wheel causing my bike to fishtail and crash. Although relatively unscathed for a high-speed accident, I didn’t walk away scratch-free.
One second I’m cruising around a bend in the road, the next I’m on the ground with a severely broken foot. An adventure over and three non-weight bearing months lay ahead, but in the moment I was injured, alone, off the grid, and 15 kilometers from the nearest town.
Lesson #1 – Stay Fluid
The Khe Sanh crash and subsequent evacuation was an ordeal, but in the end an opportunity presented itself, plus I had great story to tell. While initially disappointed, these 12 weeks of recovery allowed me to tackle projects requiring a more sedentary lifestyle, not to mention some overdue family time.
Which leads me here to PERC360, happily sharing my stories, thoughts, and tips with you all. Stay tuned for more to come.
Happy travels and safe exploring!
PSA: Wear a helmet! It’s way cooler than cracking your head open!