Did you know it’s easy to travel the world for free? The only reason you haven’t heard this before is because hotel chains and tour companies want to sell you on luxury while you’re traveling – and by convincing travelers expensive equates to good, they keep their business afloat.
Use websites like CouchSurfing and WWOOFF to book lodging with local hosts. A lot of these hosts only let short term travelers stay with them, and they make incredible (and free) travel guides because they host travelers so often and hear so many stories. WWOOFF is a network of farmers that host travelers in exchange for help with daily tasks on their farms. Easy work, and since farms are large you can meet a ton of other volunteers! You can also consider staying at hostels. One of the best hostels I have ever seen has a chain across Costa Rica, and while you share a room for less than $40 a night, they offer “family” dinners, yoga classes, a bar scene, and more.
Teaching English overseas is the best way to make money while traveling. Having knowledge of and being proficient in English is honestly something that pays for itself, and something that most people in America haven’t paid for at all! The best part is there are options for non-qualified teachers. As long as you take a certification course (less than 100 hours and even online), you can teach across the world in destinations like Ireland and Thailand. This is also a great way to move across the United States. The program Teach For America places teachers in cities who are in desperate need of teachers for areas of inequity. This program helps students change their outcome in life, and with that, is a chance to travel AND change the world for the better!