You know all the alt-coin names by heart and can probably string together a paragraph of crypto buzzwords like you’re Twista – but are you an enthusiast?

You see, a true cryptocurrency enthusiast knows they must forever seek to be one step ahead of the game, or risk falling behind.

A true crypto enthusiast will also know that they are only as good as the Rolodex of tools and resources they wield – focused mainly on the quality, rather than the quantity of the resources found therein.

In this, we have compiled a list of the most essential resources any serious cryptocurrency enthusiast should familiarise themselves with. These are but some of the tools and resources I personally call on, and are not to be interpreted as paid endorsements.


  1. CryptoPanic is a live, up-to-the-minute cryptocurrency news feed. The customizable feed pulls from all crypto relevant RSS feeds, subreddits, Twitter accounts, and presents them in one digestible feed.

Price Tracking

  1. CoinMarketcap has been around since the dawn of Bitcoin and has over 90 million monthly users.


  1. Crypto Compare has a very in-depth yet intuitive cryptocurrency mining profitability calculator.

ICO Tracking

  1. ICO Alert is an ICO aggregation that curates detailed reports of upcoming, active, and past ICOs.
  2. State of the DApps is an aggregate of all upcoming and active DApps (Decentralized Applications) built on ERC-20 token.


  1. Block Explorer is a Bitcoin blockchain explorer that lets you visualize all the Bitcoin transactions that take place on the network in real-time.
  2. Crypto Pop creates the coolest cryptocurrency artwork.
  3. Google Trends lets you visualize the latest cryptocurrency trends with a simple search of any crypto-relevant keyword.

With these tools now in your arsenal, you are definitely quick on your way to becoming a true cryptocurrency enthusiast. Safe HODLs!