Obama: American elections cannot be rigged

Facebook has come under scrutiny recently, as it's been reported that accounts with "Russian connections" bought political related Ads meant to disrupt American politics...

NFL Kneeling: The power of the Pres(s)

Let’s take it all back to the very beginning. Kaepernick first sat, then kneeled. Then more kneeled with him, and the topic became discussed among...

Trigger Warning: Kneeling probably isn’t the most efficient action

As Chris Kyle’s (American Sniper) widow mentioned in her open-letter: “ a lot of strong guys, I am sure in the off season a...

Fact check: John McCain is not a RINO

Republican efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act received a sizable blow this past Tuesday as the Graham-Cassady bill was pronounced dead...

Free speech, a monumental collapse

I appreciate you all for taking the time to read this, and allowing yourselves the openness to read through the reasons behind different sentiments...