A Revolution In Astronomy Has Just Begun: What They Are Not Telling You
What happened this past August has sparked what many are calling an Astronomy revolution.
For the first time ever, we could both hear and see...
Here’s why you could be getting arthritis at 45
We typically don’t give our joints much thought - it’s only when the pain kicks in that we really stop to consider what we...
Busting myths: Do vaccines have a link to autism?
Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s medical license was revoked after the publication of an unethical paper. The General Medical Council ruled that Wakefield had acted “dishonestly...
Science Skim: What’s new with poo
I know what you're thinking, but hear me out. We all know that human feces are packed with trillions of bacteria. These germs live...
First FDA approved gene therapy drug to hit U.S.
For the first time in history, the FDA has approved a treatment involving gene therapy in the United States. The drug Kymriah can now...
Cloning encounters of the good kind
Imagine having a model to help predict personalized disease outcomes, or a way to determine if a treatment is effective on a mutation not...
How Einstein’s theory of relativity was proven during solar eclipse
Back in 1915, Einstein published his theory of relativity which since has been scrutinized without dispute. His theory of relativity states that the laws...
The science behind what makes a pretty face
You can normally pick out faces in a crowd or on television that are attractive to you, but could you answer why you find...
First U.S. total solar eclipse since 1979
On August 21st the United States will be experiencing its first total solar eclipse since 1979, it will be spanning from coast to coast,...
Five Year Anniversary of the Mars Rover, Curiosity, Landing
The Mars rover, Curiosity, has been gallivanting the surface of Mars for five years as of August 5, 2017. It has traveled 10 kilometers,...