Dormant DNA Now Seen Active Shortly After a Solar Burst

Dormant DNA Now Seen Active Shortly After a Solar Burst (360+)

At about 3:50 a.m. EDT (2350 on April 19 GMT) reported that an "interplanetary shock wave" hit Earth's magnetic field, quadrupling the intensity of...

Do antidepressants really work?

Antidepressants, particularly those of the SSRI class, are the first-line treatment for Major Depressive Disorder and used in a range of other conditions. The...

Here’s why you could be getting arthritis at 45

We typically don’t give our joints much thought - it’s only when the pain kicks in that we really stop to consider what we...

How Einstein’s theory of relativity was proven during solar eclipse

Back in 1915, Einstein published his theory of relativity which since has been scrutinized without dispute. His theory of relativity states that the laws...
Brain (Re)Generation: Begin to Hack Your Mind

Brain (Re)Generation: How To Truly Hack the Mind (360+)

The general consensus of the medical/scientific community for most of the 20th century has believed that development of the brain only occurs during childhood....
Breakthrough Film Reveals HPV Vaccine is a Fraud (360+)

Breakthrough Film Reveals HPV Vaccine is a Fraud (360+)

A breakthrough film released in September of 2017 "Sacrificial Virgins", provides research and theories from various experts who have uncovered difficult to refute results. The team...

The Light-Powered Robo-Stingray: A Glimpse of the Fusion of Organic and Inorganic

Made up of a gold skeleton, coated with living rat heart muscle cells and wrapped in silicone, the penny-sized robotic stingray was created by...
Yet Another Physics Study Proving That Space is Not Empty (360+)

Yet Another Physics Study Proving That Space is Not Empty (360+)

It is important to note Paramahamsa Tewari submitted this study on March 13, 2017. He died fourteen days later. There is no explanation online...

Measuring Nuclear Weapon Testing

Seismologists are starting to dig deeper into the nuclear weapon testing in North Korea by measuring waves emitted through the earth from the explosions,...

First U.S. total solar eclipse since 1979

On August 21st the United States will be experiencing its first total solar eclipse since 1979, it will be spanning from coast to coast,...