A Dark Matter Hurricane Is Now Passing Through Earth. What Are They Not Telling...
The debris from a dwarf galaxy surrounded in dark matter is now moving through Earth at an insane speed of 500 km/second. Scientists are...
Our Reality is Programmable, Therefore Hackable (360+)
The Simulation Hypothesis: All of the known universes are in fact an artificial simulation. Anything is possible therefore nothing can be pre-determined.
It is the theory...
Yet Another Physics Study Proving That Space is Not Empty (360+)
It is important to note Paramahamsa Tewari submitted this study on March 13, 2017. He died fourteen days later. There is no explanation online...
Brain (Re)Generation: How To Truly Hack the Mind (360+)
The general consensus of the medical/scientific community for most of the 20th century has believed that development of the brain only occurs during childhood....
A Global Space Fence Will Be Operational By 2019
The Space Fence is a is a second-generation space surveillance system currently being built by the US Air Force and Lockheed Martin in order to track artificial satellites and space debris in Earth...
International Space Station – 20 Years & Counting
Space has always been considered to be mystical, surreal and far out of reach. But 20 years ago a giant leap was taken when...
Secrets of Water: Water Capable of More Than You Realize (360+)
All life as we know it is entirely dependent upon water to survive. The surface of Earth is 70% water, so, too are humans,...
Dormant DNA Now Seen Active Shortly After a Solar Burst (360+)
At about 3:50 a.m. EDT (2350 on April 19 GMT) Spaceweather.com reported that an "interplanetary shock wave" hit Earth's magnetic field, quadrupling the intensity of...
Is Blockchain the Brain of AI?
"I know humans are smart and very programmable." - Sophia
The Bitcoin blockchain is essentially a neural network of computers that use algorithms to solve complex...
A Revolution In Astronomy Has Just Begun: What They Are Not Telling You
What happened this past August has sparked what many are calling an Astronomy revolution.
For the first time ever, we could both hear and see...