We’ve Discovered The Problem With Having Dinner Before 8PM (360+)

There are so many opinions on what time to have dinner in order to avoid gaining weight that it’s no wonder most of us...

Questioning The Safety Of Herbal Products

The latest fad these days is to buy herbal products, be it in the form of medicines, supplements or cosmetics. The prime reason for...

7 Energy Foods That Will Boost Your Productivity

If you don't want increased productivity, this article isn't for you. For everyone sane, here are seven foods to consider. 1. Watermelon Consisting of mostly water...

Lose Weight, Detox & Beat Cellulite (360+)

It’s not just a matter of weight Cellulite affects 90% of women and their weight has very little to do with it since cellulite is...

Detox starts in the kitchen

Want to be healthier and slimmer? Instead of detoxing your body, try detoxing your kitchen! The first step to a healthy way of life is...

Can You Be Constipated And Not Even Know It?

You may not be aware of it, but the frequency of constipation in the US is higher than other countries. A critical step in...

How Long Is Your Life Expectancy?

Experts believe that life expectancy can reach 125 years! There are certain factors within your control, including nutrition. Do the math below and see...

Are You Sensitive To Gluten? (360+)

Does your stomach hurt and you can’t figure out why? Do you have diarrhea and feel exhausted? You may be suffering from celiac disease....

Menopause and Weight Management

All women know that menopause is an expected and natural part of life. For women, mid-life is around 52 years, and typically also coincides...

Is Your Home Making You Fat? (360+)

Expert tips on avoiding traps in your home that are causing weight gain. Did you ever think it possible that your kitchen light or the...