15 reasons why you hit your diet plateau

Is your scale stuck on the same number day after day even though you haven’t fallen off the wagon? If your scale is refusing...

Lose Weight, Detox & Beat Cellulite (360+)

It’s not just a matter of weight Cellulite affects 90% of women and their weight has very little to do with it since cellulite is...

Sprouts For More Energy (360+)

Sprouts have a high nutritional value and now you can discover how to exploit this value for yourself. Even if you’ve tried them before,...

Tea: What does its color mean? (360+)

You can decode the color of tea and learn its secrets so that you can enjoy it immensely! Do you think all teas are...
Brain (Re)Generation: Begin to Hack Your Mind

Brain (Re)Generation: How To Truly Hack the Mind (360+)

The general consensus of the medical/scientific community for most of the 20th century has believed that development of the brain only occurs during childhood....

5 Daily Eating Habits You Have To Change

I bet anyone reading this article is already a pretty healthy eater. But sometimes we all make mistakes, either because we have received bad...

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat A Burger

For most of us, a burger and fries is the best meal in the world. Sadly though, it falls under the foods-to-avoid category. What Happens...

Are You Sensitive To Gluten? (360+)

Does your stomach hurt and you can’t figure out why? Do you have diarrhea and feel exhausted? You may be suffering from celiac disease....

The science behind detox drinks

What you eat and drink can have a remarkable impact on your health. I think somewhere deep down we all know this, but our...

Turmeric: The anti-carcinogen you must read about

The Secret of Using Turmeric How much curry can one really eat? Sure Turmeric is good for you and maybe you just read an article about...